Xuyuan Liu

Ph.D. Student in Computer Science, Dartmouth College



I am a first-year PhD student in the Department of Computer Science at Dartmouth College, advised by Prof. Yujun Yan. Previously, I obtained my B.Eng. degree in Computer Science from Nankai University, where I worked on knowledge-grounded NLP systems under the guidance of Prof. Zhenglu Yang.

My current research interests lie in the area of graph-based machine learning, particularly in the expressive power and generalizability of Graph Neural Networks. I am also interested in how to augment Language Models with external knowledge to enhance their trustworthiness.


Most recent publications on Google Scholar.
indicates equal contribution.

TreeMAN: Tree-enhanced Multimodal Attention Network for ICD Coding

Zichen Liu, Xuyuan Liu, Yanlong Wen, Guoqing Zhao, Fen Xia, Xiaojie Yuan

COLING'22(ORAL): International Conference on Computational Linguistics.

TreeMAN: Tree-enhanced Multimodal Attention Network for ICD Coding

Zichen Liu, Xuyuan Liu, Yanlong Wen, Guoqing Zhao, Fen Xia, Xiaojie Yuan

COLING'22(ORAL): International Conference on Computational Linguistics.


Full Resume in PDF.

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